The cover pages for the U.S. versions of the Sandra and Woo: 10 Years anthology the art books The Art of Sandra and Woo are currently on their way back to my print shop Ka-Blam in Florida. This means the finished books will be sent by Ka-Blam to our Kickstarter backers next week or so.
I printed more books than needed. This means, a good number of books are still available for purchase! All of them have the “Freedom! Justice! Cookies” line and my signature on the inside of the cover page. Some of them also have a stencil that turned out sub-optimal with smudges, a couple bad outlines, etc.
See the Kickstarter campaign for all the info about the books!
This is your last chance to get the books (and art prints)! The following packages are available for purchase. The listed prices already include shipping! Your shipping address must be located in the United States!
- Art book + PDFs: $30
- Anthology + PDFs: $40
- Anthology + Art book + PDFs: $60
- Anthology + Art book + 5 Prints + PDFs: $85
- Anthology + Art book + 11 Prints + PDFs: $110
If you want a copy, please send me the listed payment amount to my PayPal account:
Please include your address details in your payment details or send them to me in an email to Please use the following template for that:
Address 1 [Street address, P.O. box]:
Address 2 (optional) [Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.]:
Postal Code:
Delivery notes (optional):
Telephone number (optional):